One Billion Rising – My Revolution

14 February 2015

Today we will be joining other organisations across the globe to stand up against Violence against Women.

One in three women on the planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime.

That is One Billion Women.

One in twenty children under eighteen are sexually abused in the UK, ninety per cent by someone they know.

We are rising for Healthy Relationships and Healthy Love!!

In the UK, One Billion Rising’s vision is to help create a society where children and young people are safe in their bedrooms, their schools and their communities.  With a theme of the Love Revolution and a focus on healthy relationships,   it is the birth of a movement.

To mark the One Billion we will be holding an online campaign where Staff, Women, children and young people has said what they would like to change in the world of violence against women.

To see our My Revolutions click on the link below